===== The 1955-56 Marquette Band ===== {{ marquette_band:5556band.jpg|}}\\ The 100-member Marquette University Band, under the direction of [[William J. Geisheker]], was divided into a Concert Band, a Pep Band, and the Marching Band during the 1955-56 season.\\ The Marching Band, numbering 90, performed at all Marquette football games and in the Homecoming parade. They accompanied the team for a game with the University of Cincinnati, and made the annual trip to Madison for the Wisconsin game. Because of a cold 1955 football season, uniform overcoats were worn for the first time.\\ The Concert Band was featured in Musical Varieties and participated in a Fall Concert. The group, 70 in number, also appeared in the Spring Concert. The Pep Band, with 30 members, played at all the varsity basketball games in the Arena.\\ On campus, the optional band jacket identified its members. Four satisfactory semesters with the band are pre-requisite to obtaining a band letter. Band scholarships, based on a merit system, were awarded to eligible members after completion of one football season with the band.\\ Presiding officers in the band this year were John Schmittner, President; Robert Casey, Vice-President; Donald Zahorik, Treasurer; Catherine Boorman, Secretary; and John Huelsbeck, Business Manager. The band also sponsored the first formal Spring concert on May 6th. Sigreid Rascher, world-famed saxophonist, was guest soloist.