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The First Warrior

The “First Warrior” suit is representative of the six Wisconsin woodland tribes (Chippewa, Menominee, Oneida, Winnebago, Stockbridge-Munsee and Potawatomi). Developed over a two-year period, with input from Marquette students, faculty and administrators, the athletic logo incorporates several elements of the First Warrior's regalia:

Wold Hood - worn by specific clans within Indian tribes bearing a spiritual meaning

Eagle Feather - held in place by a deer bone is also of spiritual significance.

According to a Marquette University Office Memorandum to Dr. James Scott, “The First Warrior was selected in the late 1970s to be a symbol of Marquette's relationship with Indians an to visualize the university's support of this symbol.”

Developed primarily by Native American students, the First Warrior was intended to present a dignified, culturally accurate portrayal of six Wisconsin woodland tribes (Ojibwe, Menominee, Oneida, Ho-Chunk, Stockbridge-Munsee, and Potawatami). However, the First Warrior's refusal to engage in demeaning sideline antics puzzled or bored most students, and the character failed to become a rallying symbol for the university. Photograph courtesy of Marquette University Libraries.


Feb. 10, 1980 – “First Warrior” makes his debut at the Duke basketball game;

Official memorandum from the First Warrior Advisory Committee to Dr. James Scott, vice president for student affairs, (dated February 1987) states that “the First Warrior was selected in the late 1970s to be a symbol of Marquette’s relationship with Indians and to visualize the university’s commitment.”

1986 – 1987 season – “First Warrior” abandoned after season when Native American students no longer wish to participate.

nickname/first_warrior.1198872352.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/07 16:40 (external edit)